The first portion of our date was at Mi Cocina - YUMMY fajitas!

After dinner, we decided that since it was so nice out (especially with the hard top off), we should explore The Shops at Legacy, since it's so close to where we live. We walked around, checked out the shops, and headed home. Actually, it's funny, because when I suggested Mi Cocina, I was thinking of the one at The Shops at Legacy (pictured on the site), and I just assumed we would go there, but Richard went to a different one a little further...he was kicking himself later for not remembering the one I was thinking of!
Anyway, we got home, played with Jillian a little bit, and I nursed her and put her to bed while Richard picked up some dinner for my mom. Then, we were off to get dessert (and some coffee for me) at Kathleen's Art Cafe - another big YUMMY! We got the Chunky Apple Cake with Butterscotch Sauce Ala Mode and the Double Fudge Cake Ala Mode. Needless to say, we could NOT eat all of this. We basically ended up eating all of the apple stuff, and taking home the chocolate to my mom. She ended up only eating a couple of bites, and we're slowly eating away at it...
Then, we stopped by the house yet one more time! This, of course, was not part of our plan. However, I decided that it would be MORE fun to take the doors off the Jeep - Richard took the safari top off before we left the second time, so this would really complete the experience. So we finally left (again), and headed off to Strikz. We had never been there before, but thought that bowling would be fun - and it was! It was video bowling, which was cool - it seemed like they played a lot of stuff from the early to mid 90's, which I love. :) And it was "Cosmic Bowling," where it's all dark, and the balls glow! Fun stuff. The best part, of course, was the fact that we got to wear cool shoes :)
Anyway, Richard was really kicking my butt, and I finally found out (in our 2nd game) that he took a bowling course in college! NO FAIR! I finally broke 100 in our 4th and last game - thanks to Richard's helpful pointers.

Strikz was pretty fun - and they also have laser tag, pool tables, and arcade games and prizes! Another neat thing is that it's really new and smoke free - not like the old bowling lanes that we used to go to as kids! We will definitely be going back!
P.S. - We went to run errands today and it rained while we were gone. On and in the topless, doorless Jeep. It's still dripping and airing out. :(
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